PhD students
Pauline Béziat

Birthplace: Hamburg, Germany
BSc in Integrated Environmental Studies (IES) and BSc in Earth and Space Sciences (ESS)
Jacobs University Bremen
Thesis Title IES: The Effect of Environmental Stressors on Cassiopea sp. jellyfish: Increased Temperature and Heavy Metal Exposure
Supervisor: Dr. Andreas Kunzmann, Prof. Andreas Koschinsky
Thesis Title ESS: Natural and Anthropogenic Rare Earth Elements in Tap Water of the German City States Hamburg and Berlin
Supervisor: Prof. Michael Bau
MSc in Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics
ETH Zürich
Thesis Title: Method Development for Analysing Intracellular Selenium Speciation in Natural Phytoplankton Assemblages
Supervisor: Prof. Lenny Winkel, Dr. Sylvain Bouchet
I am interested in the interactions between marine phytoplankton and selenium cycling. This entails both the question how algae might affect selenium biogeochemistry in the marine realm as well as how the presence (or absence) could be impacting phytoplankton communities. For my PhD work I culture various marine phytoplankton strains in the lab. Using various chromatographic techniques coupled to ICP-MS/MS (SEC-UV, cation exchange, mixed mode) I am working on better characterising the algal selenometabolome. Further, I am excited about the role of Se as a micronutrient in the ocean and am looking at its effects on batch cultures of various marine species such as Emiliana huxleyi, Smybiodinium voratum or Ostreococcus sp.
David Haaf

Birthplace: Heidelberg, Germany
MSc in Geography (2018)
University Augsburg, Germany
Thesis Title: Global distribution patterns of temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil organic carbon dependent on soil and climate parameters
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Dötterl (ETH Zürich/University Augsburg)
BSc in Geography (2015)
Philipps University Marburg, Germany
Thesis Title: Zeitliche Veränderung von Wetterextrema in Südecuador (Temporal Changes of weather extremes in South Ecuador)
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jörg Bendix (Philipps University Marburg)
My research focuses on the understanding of groundwater arsenic (As) contamination mechanism in Vietnamese river deltas (Red River & Mekong). I use multiple machine learning models to predict and understand the influence of hydrochemical, hydrological, geological and anthropogenic changes on As contamination and concentration over time. Based on this, potential future groundwater As contamination trends will be predicted for both river deltas.
General research interests related to my research:
• Interdisciplinary Data Science with Machine Learning
• Groundwater Hydrochemistry and Hydrology
• Time-Series Analyses